The tourism industry is constantly evolving. It is driven by the changing preferences of travelers, technological innovations, and, of course, global events shaping the new geopolitical environment. In 2023, many trends born before have taken on new forms and are impacting travel businesses worldwide.
Experiential or experiential tourism
Amateur and professional travelers today are mainly attracted by the novelty of impressions and exciting experiences. They are increasingly eager to deviate from mass itineraries with standardized sightseeing and museums and to immerse themselves in exploration and experimentation – getting to know local traditions, ways of life, and culture through direct contact with local people and communities. They are willing to visit places that are not recognized tourist destinations. Empirical tourism – the fate of experienced independent travelers, extreme travelers who have already been to Africa and Indonesia, familiar with the life of tribes, lived with Buddhist monks in Nepal for a long time, and now want to conquer, for example, the Far North.
Given this trend towards a new travel philosophy, it is worth reconsidering both the itineraries and the marketing approach, offering tourists a path leading them to discovery, new experiences, and inspiration. These tours tend to cost more, but demand for them is growing. Businesses should focus on creating personalized and interesting itineraries that include tourist attractions and interaction with local culture, gastronomic experiences, and outdoor activities on the Grampians Day tour.
Extreme tourism
In recent years, extreme tourism has become one of the industry’s fastest-growing segments. People are attracted by the opportunity to get a vivid experience with a drop of adrenaline in the blood. It can be traveling to the coldest points of the world, an expedition to volcanoes, climbing mountains, or rafting on raging rivers. Not so long ago, no one thought of traveling to the cold pole Oymyakon, where the temperature drops below minus 50 degrees Celsius, and today tourists ask, – how can you get there?

Recommendations for business: travelers increasingly seek adrenaline-pumping adventures and rare locations. Therefore, organizing non-trivial, safe adventures creates opportunities for businesses to attract new customers by shaping a unique experience. Creating a great, sought-after mix of cultural and educational itineraries and extreme experiential experiences is possible when forming tour packages.
“Responsible” travel
In 2023, responsible consumption has become a common part of travel inquiries worldwide. Travelers increasingly focus on sustainability and responsibility in their choice of tour operators, hotels, and destinations. They are interested in projects that adhere to sustainability principles. For businesses, this means adopting eco-friendly practices, reducing negative environmental impact, and carefully engaging with local communities. A prime example is eco safaris in Kenya’s reserves, which allow tourists to interact with the natural environment while investing in wildlife conservation projects. Citizens are still paying more attention to the practical and economic aspects of organizing travel, but this trend’s impact will grow soon.
Recommendations for business: In marketing services, emphasize the environmental component and principles of sustainable development, which is the opportunity for the traveler to contribute to the development of the territory. This trend is supported by the younger generation, the so-called “buzzers,” who are already actively traveling and gradually gaining economic independence. They will soon become the main demand for travel products, such as the Grampians Tour.