
Monetizing Creativity: how artists can become entrepreneurs and succeedMonetizing Creativity: how artists can become entrepreneurs and succeed

The monetization of creativity generates income from realizing one’s creative skills and abilities. This includes various activities (selling artwork, music, films, books, software, or other intellectual products). How to achieve this will be discussed next. What is the monetization of creativity Monetizing creativity happens through various channels. Among them: direct sales; licensing, crowdfunding, sponsorship; investments, […]


Entrepreneurship in the Arts: the Business Side of Creativity in Today’s MarketplaceEntrepreneurship in the Arts: the Business Side of Creativity in Today’s Marketplace

Entrepreneurship in the arts is creating, promoting, and selling creative products and services for profit. Business and the direction of cultural workers are becoming important configurations in the modern market and are significant sectors of the economy. Let’s consider the main aspects of this direction and analyze how you can successfully apply business strategies. What […]

green business

Green business ideasGreen business ideas

The issue of ecology is one of the most pressing in the world. It concerns both consumers and producers. The eco-movement is also supported at the state level. Entrepreneurship, oriented on the format of “Eco,” gets many more advantages and prospects because it can benefit the environment and receive financial profit from its activities. Relevance […]

business ideas

Who is a business analystWho is a business analyst

For the successful operation of any company, it is necessary to constantly analyze expenses, income, employee efficiency, sales, return on advertising, and other indicators. A business analyst can successfully cope with this task. Most often, such a specialist is included in the staff of employees in large companies in medicine, construction, finance, and IT technologies. […]

business idea

Testing a business idea: a rational approach to launching a new product or serviceTesting a business idea: a rational approach to launching a new product or service

Many people mistakenly think that having an idea is the main indicator of business success. However, even after making a business plan and collecting start-up capital, it is possible to fail in the first few months of the company’s operation. Testing the idea before launching the business is recommended to increase the chance of success. […]


Cultural impact: how businesses can cooperate with artists and musicians for mutual benefitCultural impact: how businesses can cooperate with artists and musicians for mutual benefit

Creative professions have always had problems with funding, not counting the top artists, musicians, and some famous artists. History knows a lot of talented people who spent their lives in poverty, and the recognition of their work received after the death of the authors of masterpieces. Today, people live in a rather strict world regarding […]

creative person

The Role of Branding in the Art and Music Industry: creating a Unique Identity for Commercial SuccessThe Role of Branding in the Art and Music Industry: creating a Unique Identity for Commercial Success

To succeed in creativity, specifically in its commercialization, exerting effort and approaching the business wisely is necessary. The internet offers great opportunities for both artists and musicians to earn money. You can create unique content for clients’ needs, such as designing a computer game or application under development, and simply sell your work. Many specialized […]

art brushes

Monetising creativity: strategies for artists and musicians to thrive in the digital economyMonetising creativity: strategies for artists and musicians to thrive in the digital economy

Unlike people in down-to-earth working professions, who everyone always needs, creative individuals, such as artists and musicians, work for a specific and rather small audience. In a capitalist economy where everyone has to think about monetizing their successes regardless of their talents and occupation, it is not easy for talented people. After all, if laying […]